Loaning Out Linda


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Loaning Out Linda by Steve Maser

Tenth Anniversary Edition

It had been the happiest year in Linda’s young life, the year she became Manfred Owen’s slave. Her life was a delirious round of whippings, spankings, canings, tight bondage and mind-blowing sex. But beyond that she loved the idea of being Manny’s slave, of being subject to his control and authority 24 by 7, of having to follow his rules and endure his punishments for disobedience. But now she was about to learn the down side of being someone else’s property. For when Manny suddenly has to leave on a long business trip, he decides to leave her in the custody of his best friend Scott, investing him with all his authority as her Master, including permission to use her sexually if he chooses. Scott is also tasked with continuing the regular maintenance spankings to which Linda has become accustomed.

Complicating matters is Scott’s new girlfriend Victoria, a domineering bisexual lawyer with a secret spanking obsession. At first Scott tries to conceal the situation from her, but when she discovers Linda’s true status, she longs to use her to fulfill her cruel fantasies. Then fate intervenes when Scott is suddenly called away by a family emergency, leaving Victoria in full control of Linda, an opportunity she is determined to make use of to the full.

This fast moving, psychologically intense story features numerous spanking scenes with hand, paddle, belt, hairbrush and cane, plus bondage, anal sex, female masturbation, m/f and f/f sex.

Plus three bonus stories!

Cindilocks is a comic riff on two well-known fairytales. Cinderella flees her home where she’s treated like a slave, only to find she has traded one form of slavery for another. In The Rule of Law, a drunk driving charge against a spoiled heiress is resolved by a novel plea bargain. Turnabout is Fair Play is set in a Latin American police state where a sadistic female interrogator finds the tables turned when the revolution triumphs.

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