The Little Red Dress by Don Julian Winslow
Cinderella found that a magic slipper had the power to transform her from a scullery maid into a princess. And maybe, just maybe, some of the same magic still takes place when a quite ordinary young girl steps into her first prom dress and is transformed from girl-next-door to a ravishing beauty. Such is the power of clothes.
When an overly-zealous government goes on a crusade to stamp out sexy clothing, a group of fun-loving girls stumble upon a stash of banned clothes. Soon they are trying on the sexy things and brazenly showing them off – with predictable results. The clothes work their seductive magic, and in no time the erotic contagion spreads, eventually corrupting the very government officials who are publicly demanding restrictions on behavior between the sexes, while privately cavorting about in the most provocative, outrageous dress.
“Wildly thrilled, he grabbed for her, his greedy hands cupping to fit Jodi’s tight cheeked bottom, rubbing his palms over the slick tight-fitted seat of her silvery panties. He spent a few moments thus engaged, fondling the girl’s rear-end, while she, feeling the rising heat of arousal, squirmed excitedly, grinding her butt in his hungry hands. A playful swat at that jutting bottom causes her to jack up and turn, regarding him over her shoulder with a little pout on her lips.”
Lots of M/f, spanking, punishment, sexy dressing, exhibitionism, and sex including anal and oral.