Scandal For Sale: Confessions of a Sex Slave by Lizbeth Dusseau
The diaries of former sex slave S. R. Lourdes sit on the desk of publisher Elliot Rawlings, depicting the scandalous truth about the city’s sexual S&M underground. Her detailed expose dishes the dirt on her former owners”a Federal Judge, a prominent TV news anchor and a famous novelist. Her journey into submission is richly chronicled from her first, tentative consensual steps to the coercive efforts of cunning owners who keep her pierced, chained, caged, humiliated and certain that she will never know the love she seeks through her submissive nature. Yet, when she finally has the courage to rebel and take back her freedom, will her scheme for revenge satisfy her? Or is she destined to once again seek the bizarre sexual satisfaction that comes from being a man’s owned property? Will she find the missing love she yearns for? And will the mysterious stranger at the Erotic Masquerade Ball take her freedom and give her love as well ” or is he as deviant and ruthless as all the others? A startling tale of seduction, betrayal and sexual extremes including dungeons, chastity piercings, shaving, anal sex, f/f, slave auctions, public S&M parties, fisting, whipping and bondage.
A startling tale of seduction, betrayal and sexual extremes including dungeons, chastity piercings, shaving, anal sexuality, fem/fem bisexuality, slave auctions, public S&M parties, whipping and bondage.