Bed Ridden – ebook


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Bed Ridden by Jo-Anne Wiley

As a bedridden invalid, Cloey was forced to suffer sexual abuse at the hands of her caregiver. But now, eight months later, she can walk, and that is Cloey’s most guarded secret. As long as she is perceived as an incapacitated shell of a woman, confined to her bed, she is free to act – with impunity. She can wreak havoc on those who stripped her naked. Forced her to play their dirty games. Used her. Defiled her when she couldn’t move, couldn’t scream, couldn’t defend herself.

But now, yes… sweet payback. After all, who could accuse a paralyzed woman of wrongdoing, if her neighbor happens to turn up one morning with his throat slit? Being bedridden has its advantages and is her perfect alibi.

Expect explicit sexual content, including oral and anal, rough fucking, gross humiliation, nipple piercing, pornos, hard-smacking impact sports, much of it nonconsensual, all told in Wiley’s uniquely brusque and brutal style.

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